Sunday, September 24, 2017

Am I Coming in Clear

The three forms of communication were drastically different.

The email started off friendly but quickly went downhill.  She had great etiquette by acknowledging he may have been busy with another task.  Right after the acknowledgement she quickly became hostile or what could have been perceived as being hostile.  "The problem with email and social media is that it can be difficult to determine the tone.  You may mean something as a joke, but if it comes off pushy or angry, you could cause an unintended reaction from the recipient" (Olson 2012).

The voicemail was in a soft tone and gave reasoning on the urgency of the information being received.  "Provide a positive reinforcement when a job well-done, and find ways to add in tips for improvement without being "that boss" (Olson 2012).

The face to face meeting provided body language that was a key element to effective communication.  She expressed needing the documents and how it would effect her deadlines.  She never showed any emotion except for calmness which would make a worker willingly complete a task.

The way the messages are perceived depends on psychological or cultural backgrounds.  We are living in a society of text based communication which is easily misread daily. While we need to be mindful of which form of communication works better for the other party.  We also need to make sure it sends the intended message by proofreading the message first. 


Olson, L.  10 Ways to Communicate Better at Work.  U.S. News.  Retrieved on 24 September 2017 from

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