Sunday, October 15, 2017


During the spring semester my department was approached by the Dean to do interdisciplinary project for the systems office professional development day. Each department was supposed to come up with ideas for the project and implement them before the presentation.  It was fairly easy for my department because no one else can teach the students proper infection control in our area.  

We set out the plan and almost everyone stayed on task.  One of the department managers misunderstood the project or decided her way was better and caused major delays. With two thirds complete we started to brainstorm and begin taping the video for the presentation. 

Two weeks before the professional development day the third manager, whom did not follow instructions, showed up with data to add to the presentation.  At this time we had to add this to the existing work because there was no time to implement a simulation with her group.  

During the presentation you could obviously see what parts did not fit into the project.  In the future we will set deadlines on dates for implementation.  When you are speaking to individuals from all over the state about how you are performing a project, it should at least look like you know what you are doing.


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